Depending on individual needs, Truly Massage incorporates the following in every session provided:
Deep Tissue Massage - a massage technique that targets the parts of a muscle that lie far below the surface. All muscles in the human body have many layers, and the lower layers cannot be reached by normal massage techniques. Deep tissue massage utilizes fingers, thumbs, elbows and forearms to reach the deepest layers of muscle. Deep tissue massage generally involves quite a bit of pressure and friction.
Sports Massage - used to relieve pain, and commonly used to prepare muscles prior to activity. Using techniques comparable to that of a Swedish massage, a sports massage can prepare muscles for activity and heighten an athlete’s energy. After activity, a sports massage can also cool muscles and prevent injury.
Swedish Massage techniques differ from other massage techniques by being more specific in the order in which the massage is done. These techniques apply deeper pressure than other types of massages, and assist in increasing oxygenation of blood and releasing of metabolic waste such as lactic and uric acids from the tissues of the muscles.
The Active Isolated Stretching (AIS) - the method of muscle lengthening and fascial release is a type of Athletic Stretching Technique that provides effective, dynamic, facilitated stretching of major muscle groups, but more importantly, AIS provides functional and physiological restoration of superficial and deep fascial planes.
Muscle Release Technique (sm) is derived from a technique developed in Europe. Eileen has found successful results in utilizing this technique with chronic and acute soft tissue injuries. It can be defined as a unique injury therapy that combines compression, extension, movement and breath to give the therapist a tool to provide relief from pain.
Eileen does not abide by a set routine and tailors every massage to each individual while incorporating Swedish Massage Technique.
Prenatal Massage - For an excellent Prenatal Massage, Truly Massage fully endorses
Teresa Avelar of Mayahuel Massage & Body Therapy, located in San Bruno. Please see her website at http://www.mayahuelmassage.com, and see her reviews on Yelp.com .
© 2008-2018, Truly Massage, Inc.
Deep Tissue Massage - a massage technique that targets the parts of a muscle that lie far below the surface. All muscles in the human body have many layers, and the lower layers cannot be reached by normal massage techniques. Deep tissue massage utilizes fingers, thumbs, elbows and forearms to reach the deepest layers of muscle. Deep tissue massage generally involves quite a bit of pressure and friction.
Sports Massage - used to relieve pain, and commonly used to prepare muscles prior to activity. Using techniques comparable to that of a Swedish massage, a sports massage can prepare muscles for activity and heighten an athlete’s energy. After activity, a sports massage can also cool muscles and prevent injury.
Swedish Massage techniques differ from other massage techniques by being more specific in the order in which the massage is done. These techniques apply deeper pressure than other types of massages, and assist in increasing oxygenation of blood and releasing of metabolic waste such as lactic and uric acids from the tissues of the muscles.
The Active Isolated Stretching (AIS) - the method of muscle lengthening and fascial release is a type of Athletic Stretching Technique that provides effective, dynamic, facilitated stretching of major muscle groups, but more importantly, AIS provides functional and physiological restoration of superficial and deep fascial planes.
Muscle Release Technique (sm) is derived from a technique developed in Europe. Eileen has found successful results in utilizing this technique with chronic and acute soft tissue injuries. It can be defined as a unique injury therapy that combines compression, extension, movement and breath to give the therapist a tool to provide relief from pain.
Eileen does not abide by a set routine and tailors every massage to each individual while incorporating Swedish Massage Technique.
Prenatal Massage - For an excellent Prenatal Massage, Truly Massage fully endorses
Teresa Avelar of Mayahuel Massage & Body Therapy, located in San Bruno. Please see her website at http://www.mayahuelmassage.com, and see her reviews on Yelp.com .
© 2008-2018, Truly Massage, Inc.